This Clear & Simple Guide Makes Dressing Well Easy for Men
(Even If You’re a Newbie with Zero Fashion Sense)

The Only Men’s Style Guide That’s Easy to Digest and Apply for Beginners
You won’t find a men’s style guide that’s easier to digest and apply for complete beginners. Guaranteed. You WILL get better dressed or you’ll get a full refund!
This is the guide for you if…
Now You Can Finally Make Sense of Dressing Well and Look Your Best Self Once and for All
Let me guess…
You want to dress sharper and look your best, but you just don’t understand how to put together an outfit that makes you look great.
You consulted fashion sites, and maybe even bought a few magazines, but the more you read, the more you have to remember, and the more confusing it becomes.
What makes it worse is that nothing you try has much effect. You wear different clothes, but you don’t look any sharper than you did before.
Your problem is that you don’t know where to start. You don’t have any guidance. So you’re just shooting in the dark, hoping you’ll hit your target. But that never really happens, does it?
Well, I know the feeling…
I Was the Most Fashion-Clueless Guy Around, Until I Finally Connected the Dots
I’m Robert van Tongeren, and not that long ago, I was a terrible dresser.
I never grew up with any interest in fashion and I was happy just wearing my graphic tees and baggy jeans day in and day out. But as I grew older, I felt like I needed to change how I presented myself. I felt I had matured as a man, but my wardrobe hadn’t matured with me.
I never realized how goofy I looked at the time, but I was still wearing the same kinds of outfits I wore in high school. I was a man nearing his thirties, still dressing like a boy.

I had grown up, and I wanted to change my look to something more mature and masculine. I wanted dress better and maybe even get some compliments on my look instead of criticized. (Of course, I also secretly hoped this would improve my luck with the ladies.)
So I went online to find advice, but somehow, nothing I tried worked. I dressed differently, but I didn’t dress better.
Several times I gave up, because I felt like it had to be me. I felt like I just didn’t get it — like I missed some kind of natural fashion sense that other guys are born with.
But after years stumbling around feeling confused, I actually started to see a difference. It took lots of trial and error — lots of embarrassing errors! — but I started connecting some dots. And once I did, dressing well suddenly seemed incredibly simple.

And guess what?
Once I connected the dots, I finally understood why nothing I tried ever seemed to work for me.
Most Fashion and Style Advice Is Useless for Beginners and Won’t Help You Dress Any Better
If you feel confused about fashion, or if you’ve been trying to dress well without any progress, I know how you feel. It’s frustrating, but it’s not your fault.
Nothing you try makes any difference because the nuggets of wisdom that you need are buried under a mountain of trivial bullshit that’s not meant for you.
Fashion sites and magazines are aimed at guys who have been knee-deep into fashion since kindergarten. Instead of explaining how to dress well, they just give suggestions for fashionable people to keep their looks fresh and trendy.

They assume everyone knows what they know. They think that if you dress like a slob, that’s a conscious decision. They think you just don’t care — And while some guys actually don’t , many others are smart enough to see the power of presenting yourself well. They just have no clue how to make an outfit work in their favor.
And if that’s you… Well, you’re out of luck, because all those tips are useless.
And it’s those tips that kept me dressing sloppy for so long because they kept my focus on the wrong things.
When You Focus on the Right Things, You’ll See That Dressing Well Is Actually Quite Simple
Because most fashion sites and magazines are focused on men who are at a more advanced style-level than you, they rarely cover the information that would benefit YOU.
Imagine if your teacher skipped the lessons on adding and subtracting numbers and went straight into advanced math problems. Or imagine if your baseball coach never taught you how to swing a bat, but still expected you to hit a homerun.
Sounds unreasonable, right?
That’s not how people learn new skills. You have to start at the beginning — with the basics. And that’s exactly what Style Made Simple does.
It doesn’t skip over anything. It starts at the beginning, focuses on what actually matters, and takes you through it one step at a time. It covers everything you’d need to know to start dressing sharper.
Every chapter will build on the ones that came before and takes you one step closer to full; understanding.
When you read the first chapters, you’ll see how much sense everything makes. When you’re halfway through, you’ll see how easy dressing well can be.And when you finished the last chapter, you’ll know everything you need to know to put sharp-looking outfits together.
You’ll wish you found this guide years ago
Get INSTANT ACCESS to Style Made Simple: The Beginner’s Guide to Dressing Better
This guide is the result of years of research, experimentation and discovering what works and what doesn’t. Through my discoveries, I’ve helped hundreds of guys become better dressers. You can be next.

23 Eye-Opening Things You’ll Discover Inside This 200+ Page E-Book
And You Don’t Wanna Miss Out on These Extras…

8 Simple Clothes, 20 Great Outfits
Think you need a ton of clothes to look sharp? Well, think again, because this report proves that if you spend your money wisely, you don’t need to invest in a ton of clothes to build a solid wardrobe. It shows you through examples how to turn eight simple clothes into 20 different outfits.
Oh yeah, and two of the clothes mentioned are a pair of shoes and belt that don’t get switched, so it’s really only turning six clothes into 20 outfits.

14 Style Rookie Mistakes That Keep You Looking Sloppy
This MP3 audio recording covers 14 of the most common rookie mistakes that guys make when they’re trying to improve their style.
These mistakes will keep you from making any progress, no matter what you try. Are you making any of them?
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Today You Can Discover an Easy, Tested and Guaranteed Way to Upgrade Your Style

Choose Your Package Below and Take Your First Step to a Better-Dressed Version of You
Avoid spending years experimenting while wasting hundreds of dollars on regrettable clothes (like I did) before you discover what actually works.
This guide offers everything you need to know to look your best and make powerful first impressions on everyone you meet.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money Back
Follow the methods outlined in this guide and I guarantee you’ll develop a deep understanding of style and know how to look your best from here on out. But if you’re dissatisfied, just send me an e-mail, explain why you were dissatisfied, and you’ll get your money back — no questions asked.
Get INSTANT ACCESS to Style Made Simple Now!
This guide is the result of years of research, experimentation and discovering what works and what doesn’t. Through my discoveries, I’ve helped hundreds of guys become better dressers. You can be next.