Dressing well is not rocket science, but you may be looking for answers in all the wrong places.
And you’re not to blame. We have too much information at our disposal, and very little of it does beginners any good, which ends you up focusing on all the wrong things.
I know, because that’s what happened to me.
I’m Robert, and I’m not your typical style blogger.
I haven’t been obsessed with fashion and clothes since preschool. I was an everyday guy who realized one day I was in my twenties still dressing like a teenager.
But it was almost impossible to find proper guidance for beginners, because most fashion websites focused on fashion-enthusiasts, i.e. people who already knew how to dress well. I was trying their clothes, but they didn’t look the same on me as they did on the fashion models in their pictures.
But, I figured it out in the end. I realized most fashion advice was useless unless you understood the basics. And once I understood the basics, everything clicked. I was finally looking the way i wanted to present myself: As a mature, confident man.

Since I started this website in 2012, I’m proud to say I have helped thousands of men make sense of dressing well and get a taste of what it feels like to feel confident in their clothes. I have been featured on some of the biggest style-focused (as well as some not-style-focused) websites on the web, like:

If you had told me this 15 years ago, i wouldn’t have believed you.
I run this website not as someone obsessed with fashion, but as someone who has experienced the struggles and seen the benefits of a style upgrade first-hand.
I didn’t start this website because poorly dressed men annoy me (like other fashion bloggers I can think of). I started this site because poorly dressed men couldn’t find proper guidance if they tried, and that annoys me. The fashion world aims all its resources at guys who already know how to dress well, and beginners are sorely neglected.
And I want to change that.
Because I know, if these guys would just polish their look up a bit, they would get so much more out of their lives.
Your look influences how you see yourself and how you feel. It influences how others see you and how you’re treated. You become the man you see in the mirror.
So when you look average, you feel average, and people treat you like an average Joe. When you look like a bum, you feel like a bum, and people treat you like a bum. And when you look awesome…
Well, do the math.
And Looking Awesome Is Easier Than You Think
You don’t have to wear a stuffy suit every day (if you don’t want). You don’t have to be on constant trend-watch. And you don’t have to devour fashion magazines like cheeseburgers.
If you want to dress in a way that reflects your character, maturity and class — if you want people to see you for the man you are, you need to learn about style, not fashion.
Those are two very different things. As Yves St. Laurent once said: “Fashion fades. Style is eternal.”
You’re here to learn how to present yourself in the best way possible, right?
Maybe, like me fifteen years ago, you are tired of dressing like an adolescent and hungry for a change. You want to be seen for the man you are.
Well, you’re in luck, because I made it my mission to help rookies like you.
I made it my mission to make style accessible for the everyday guy that just wants to learn how to dress well.
I made it my mission to cut the bullshit and give you advice that’s easy to understand and actually helpful.
Changing Your Style Will Change Your Life
As we turn you into your best-dressed self, you’ll be amazed at the effects you’ll experience.
- Your confidence will shoot through the roof and you’ll feel more comfortable being yourself. You’ll look in the mirror and love the guy looking back.
- People will respect you more and assume you’re smarter, funnier and more capable. Their perception of you will skyrocket. Your boss, colleagues and clients will take you more seriously, and you’ll get more job opportunities because of it.
- Women will wonder who you are and they’ll hope to catch your attention. They will be the ones diverting their glance when you catch them checking you out.
You’ll outsmart the preschool-minded fools who still think caring about your appearance is “gay”, and scoop opportunities up from right under their noses.
Those guys don’t have the guts to change their style and look awesome.
But you should.
So enter your e-mail address and click “Yes! I Wanna Look Awesome” below to get free chapters from my book and take your first steps to a more awesome look today.